- be known as
- draw up
- a set of
- change into
- bring to
- in his day
- rise to fame
- turn against
- bet on
- be in debt
- on end
- in many ways
- in the role of
- play a joke on
- much to sb.’s sth.
. . .
okay right
yes that’s right
have you got your form there
and here is my cv
sales administration and
(/ˈkeɪtərɪŋ/ n. (会议或社交活动的)饮食服务,酒席承办 v. 提供餐饮服务,承办酒席;满足,迎合(cater 的现在分词))
(/ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ n. 卫生;卫生学,保健学) certificateattended
(v. 随同,陪同;经常去,定期去(学校、教堂等);伴随……而至,(作为结果)伴随;出席,参加;注意,专心;处理,照料;致力于) a catering training and i’ve got a certificate in food safety for cateringnow administration, what computer skills do you have?
and what languages do you speak ?
and now you’re working in sales for
(视频中的公司名字), how long have you been working for them ?
why did you decide to leave ?
what would you say are your strengths and weaknesses ?
(ˈɔːrɡənaɪzd/ adj. 有组织的,系统的;参加工会的;有条理的,有安排的;(人)有条理的,高效的 v. 组织,筹备;安排,处理;规划,管理(organize 的过去式和过去分词)) .spontaneous
(/spɑːnˈteɪniəs/ adj. 自发的,非筹划安排的;(程序,事件)自发的,自然的;(人)天真率直的;(生物)(机体活动)本能的) person.well-defined
(adj. 界限清楚的;定义明确的) plan.if we hire you when can you start ?
(/ˈnoʊtɪs/ n. 注意,察觉;通告,布告;公告牌,警示牌;通知;事先声明,警告;预先通知期;剧评,书评;辞职信,搬迁通知;(报纸、杂志上的)小型广告,简短通告;警告书,说明书 v. 意识,注意;留意;正式通知;简评;客气对待;<古>提到,谈到) at my current job. . .
i’m a student at brandy’s university and i want to rent an apartment, i saw your listing for an apartment on
(/oʊk/ n. 橡树,栎树;橡木,) street
did you want to schedule a viewing?
great. i’ll take that appointment thank you
hi sophia , nice to meet you come in
wow, this is very nice and clean
(/ˈtenənt/ n. 房客,租户;<法律>业主 v. (作为租赁者)居住,工作) moves out
(leave the apartment and go to live somewhere else), besides the apartment was recently renovated
(/ˈrenəveɪtɪd/ v. 更新,革新;修复;重新布置(renovate 的过去式和过去分词)).let me
show you around
(ead someone around a place for the first time).
like the listing said it’s a one-bedroom one-bathroom apartment
(/ˈfɜːrnɪʃt/ adj. 家具,有家具的 v. 供应;装备(furnish 的过去分词)) with a bed wardrobe
(/ˈwɔːrdroʊb/ n. 衣柜,衣橱;(某人的)全部服装;(剧院、电视台等的)服装部,戏装管理部) and two bedside tables.there is also a desk for study in a bookshelf an lcd tv and wi-fi connection.
(/ˈkoʊzi/ adj. 舒适的,温暖的;友好的,亲密无间的;密切的) and stylish
(/ˈstaɪlɪʃ/ adj. 时髦的,流行的,有格调的;潇洒的)is there air conditioning?
is it okay if i hang some things on the walls?
i don’t want you to make any major changes to the apartment
you can call me immediately and i will come over to look at it.
(/ˈɑːnɡoʊɪŋ/ adj. 持续存在的,仍在进行的,不断发展的)repairs.well, all of that sounds perfect.
the toilet and shower are a little older, but they are in excellent condition
there’s no washing machine or dryer in the apartment, but there’s a
(/ˈlɔːndrəmæt/ n. (美)自助洗衣店) in the basement
you can load some money onto it to do your laundry.
let me show you now the kitchen, it is a fully equipped(provided with whatever is needed for use) kitchen it has a
(/stoʊv/ n. (取暖或烹饪用的)炉子,火炉;厨灶,炉头;窑;<英>温室) top and oven microwave and refrigerator. the oven andstovetop
(/ˈstoʊvtɑːp/ n. (炉具上的)炉盘) use gas
. . .
Here you go
I am going to London, i’ll be studying there for a year.
checking any bags
(put the bags on the airplane inside the cargo
货物 compartment
隔层) today? Yes, just one.
(the equipment that tells you the weight ofyour luggage) for me, that would be great. Here you go,
carry-on bag
(the small bag you take with you on the airplane)?Yes, i’ll take this big book out of the bag, no problem.
I think so. I’ve never flown before so I thought it would be nice to look out at the clouds. Do you think it will be a good seat for me?
: a building within an airport where passengers go to depart on a flight)When do I need to be there?
(the time planes leave the airport). You will turn left at the coffee shop. Security will be directly in front of you. Once you’re finished
clearing security
(move through security successfully), follow the signs to Gate 54. It will be on your right.
You’re very welcome, enjoy your flight !
. . .
别纠结了好吗 这又没什么大不了的
没什么大不了 这太神奇了
(n.细致巧妙的移动,机动动作;策略,手段;军事演习;(军队或船只的)调动,部署),. . .
/ | 周中(英语日) | 周六(英语日) | 周日(若有自驾游则为中文日, 否则为英文日) |
08:00 | 起床上班 | / | 狂欢 |
08:30 | / | 起床上班 | 狂欢 |
早上在车上 | Peppa Pig | 背单词 | 狂欢 |
到公司后 ~ 开始工作前 | 背单词 & 中译英 | / | 狂欢 |
10:00 | 背单词 & 中译英 | / | 自驾游出发 & 车上看美剧 |
18:00 ~ 上车前 | 背单词 & 中译英 | 狂欢开始 | / |
晚上在车上 | Peppa Pig | 狂欢 | 车上看美剧 |
到家后(约19:30) | 1. 补白天没做完的背单词&中译英 2. 不洗头则打球(一周至少2次) or 炉石 |
狂欢 | 狂欢 |
到家一小时后(约20:30) | W洗澡 | W洗澡 | W洗澡 |
洗完澡后(约21:00) | 美剧 | 狂欢 | 狂欢 |
00:00 | 睡觉 | 睡觉 | 睡觉 |
(钻头;凿子;胸针(等于 brooch))?Which one please?
Oh, that one is very popular.It’s 75 dollars.
75 dollars? Oh my goodness. It’s beautiful, but I can’t afford that.My mother will be disappointed, but never mind.I’ll find something at another stall.Thank you very much for your help.
Oh, I can pay a Dollar more than forty dollars.
Unfortunately, that’s still too much.I could stretch to 45 dollars.
45 dollars? no, no, no.Fifty dollars, that’s my final offer. Take it or leave it.
Of course, pass it here, and I’ll wrap it up for you.
Thank you so much. Here’s fifty dollars.
You too.