linux下直接 : sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
. . .
RPC 的全称是 Remote Procedure Call 是一种进程间通信方式。它允许程序调用另一个地址空间(通常是共享网络的另一台机器上)的过程或函数,而不用程序员显式编码这个远程调用的细节。即程序员无论是调用本地的还是远程的,本质上编写的调用代码基本相同。 像腾讯的phxrpc框架是使用Protobuf作为IDL用于描述RPC接口以及通信数据结构
Hi, I’m Glenn Fiedler and welcome to Networking for Game Programmers.
Have you ever wondered how multiplayer games work?
From the outside it seems magical: two or more players sharing a consistent experience across the network like they actually exist together in the same virtual world.
But as programmers we know the truth of what is actually going on underneath is quite different from what you see. It turns out it’s all an illusion. A massive sleight-of-hand. What you perceive as a shared reality is only an approximation unique to your own point of view and place in time.
In the beginning games were networked peer-to-peer, with each each computer exchanging information with each other in a fully connected mesh topology. You can still see this model alive today in RTS games, and interestingly for some reason, perhaps because it was the first way - it’s still how most people think that game networking works.
The basic idea is to abstract the game into a series of turns and a set of command messages when processed at the beginning of each turn direct the evolution of the game state. For example: move unit, attack unit, construct building. All that is needed to network this is to run exactly the same set of commands and turns on each player’s machine starting from a common initial state.
Of course this is an overly simplistic explanation and glosses over many subtle points, but it gets across the basic idea of how networking for RTS games work. You can read more about this networking model here: 1500 Archers on a 28.8: Network Programming in Age of Empires and Beyond.
It seems so simple and elegant, but unfortunately there are several limitations.
First, it’s exceptionally difficult to ensure that a game is completely deterministic; that each turn plays out identically on each machine. For example, one unit could take slightly a different path on two machines, arriving sooner to a battle and saving the day on one machine, while arriving later on the other and erm. not saving the day. Like a butterfly flapping it’s wings and causing a hurricane on the other side of the world, one tiny difference results in complete desynchronization over time.
The next limitation is that in order to ensure that the game plays out identically on all machines it is necessary to wait until all player’s commands for that turn are received before simulating that turn. This means that each player in the game has latency equal to the most lagged player. RTS games typically hide this by providing audio feedback immediately and/or playing cosmetic animation, but ultimately any truly game affecting action may occur only after this delay has passed.
The final limitation occurs because of the way the game synchronizes by sending just the command messages which change the state. In order for this to work it is necessary for all players to start from the same initial state. Typically this means that each player must join up in a lobby before commencing play, although it is technically possible to support late join, this is not common due to the difficulty of capturing and transmitting a completely deterministic starting point in the middle of a live game.
Despite these limitations this model naturally suits RTS games and it still lives on today in games like “Command and Conquer”, “Age of Empires” and “Starcraft”. The reason being that in RTS games the game state consists of many thousands of units and is simply too large to exchange between players. These games have no choice but to exchange the commands which drive the evolution of the game state.
But for other genres, the state of the art has moved on. So that’s it for the deterministic peer-to-peer lockstep networking model. Now lets look at the evolution of action games starting with Doom, Quake and Unreal.
In the era of action games, the limitations of peer-to-peer lockstep became apparent in Doom, which despite playing well over the LAN played terribly over the internet for typical users:
Although it is possible to connect two DOOM machines together across the Internet using a modem link, the resulting game will be slow, ranging from the unplayable (e.g. a 14.4Kbps PPP connection) to the marginally playable (e.g. a 28.8Kbps modem running a Compressed SLIP driver). Since these sorts of connections are of only marginal utility, this document will focus only on direct net connections.
The problem of course was that Doom was designed for networking over LAN only, and used the peer-to-peer lockstep model described previously for RTS games. Each turn player inputs (key presses etc.) were exchanged with other peers, and before any player could simulate a frame all other player’s key presses needed to be received.
In other words, before you could turn, move or shoot you had to wait for the inputs from the most lagged modem player. Just imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth that this would have resulted in for the sort of folks with internet connections that were “of only marginal utility”. :)
In order to move beyond the LAN and the well connected elite at university networks and large companies, it was necessary to change the model. And in 1996, that’s exactly what John Carmack and his team did when he released Quake using client/server instead of peer-to-peer.
Now instead of each player running the same game code and communicating directly with each other, each player was now a “client” and they all communicated with just one computer called the “server”. There was no longer any need for the game to be deterministic across all machines, because the game really only existed on the server. Each client effectively acted as a dumb terminal showing an approximation of the game as it played out on the server.
In a pure client/server model you run no game code locally, instead sending your inputs such as key presses, mouse movement, clicks to the server. In response the server updates the state of your character in the world and replies with a packet containing the state of your character and other players near you. All the client has to do is interpolate between these updates to provide the illusion of smooth movement and BAM you have a networked game.
This was a great step forward. The quality of the game experience now depended on the connection between the client and the server instead of the most lagged peer in the game. It also became possible for players to come and go in the middle of the game, and the number of players increased as client/server reduced the bandwidth required on average per-player.
But there were still problems with the pure client/server model:
While I can remember and justify all of my decisions about networking from DOOM through Quake, the bottom line is that I was working with the wrong basic assumptions for doing a good internet game. My original design was targeted at < 200ms connection latencies. People that have a digital connection to the internet through a good provider get a pretty good game experience. Unfortunately, 99% of the world gets on with a slip or ppp connection over a modem, often through a crappy overcrowded ISP. This gives 300+ ms latencies, minimum. Client. User's modem. ISP's modem. Server. ISP's modem. User's modem. Client. God, that sucks.
Ok, I made a bad call. I have a T1 to my house, so I just wasn't familliar with PPP life. I'm addressing it now.
The problem was of course latency.
What happened next would change the industry forever.
In the original Quake you felt the latency between your computer and the server. Press forward and you’d wait however long it took for packets to travel to the server and back to you before you’d actually start moving. Press fire and you wait for that same delay before shooting.
If you’ve played any modern FPS like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, you know this is no longer what happens. So how exactly do modern FPS games remove the latency on your own actions in multiplayer?
When writing about his plans for the soon to be released QuakeWorld, John Carmack said:
I am now allowing the client to guess at the results of the users movement until the authoritative response from the server comes through. This is a biiiig architectural change. The client now needs to know about solidity of objects, friction, gravity, etc. I am sad to see the elegant client-as-terminal setup go away, but I am practical above idealistic.
So now in order to remove the latency, the client runs more code than it previously did. It is no longer a dumb terminal sending inputs to the server and interpolating between state sent back. Instead it is able to predict the movement of your character locally and immediately in response to your input, running a subset of the game code for your player character on the client machine.
Now as soon as you press forward, there is no wait for a round trip between client and server - your character start moving forward right away.
The difficulty of this approach is not in the prediction, for the prediction works just as normal game code does - evolving the state of the game character forward in time according to the player’s input. The difficulty is in applying the correction back from the server to resolve cases when the client and server disagree about where the player character should be and what it is doing.
Now at this point you might wonder. Hey, if you are running code on the client - why not just make the client authoritative over their player character? The client could run the simulation code for their own character and simply tell the server where they are each time they send a packet. The problem with this is that if each player were able to simply tell the server “here is my current position” it would be trivially easy to hack the client such that a cheater could instantly dodge the RPG about to hit them, or teleport instantly behind you to shoot you in the back.
So in FPS games it is absolutely necessary that the server is the authoritative over the state of each player character, in-spite of the fact that each player is locally predicting the motion of their own character to hide latency. As Tim Sweeney writes in The Unreal Networking Architecture: “The Server Is The Man”.
Here is where it gets interesting. If the client and the server disagree, the client must accept the update for the position from the server, but due to latency between the client and server this correction is necessarily in the past. For example, if it takes 100ms from client to server and 100ms back, then any server correction for the player character position will appear to be 200ms in the past, relative to the time up to which the client has predicted their own movement.
If the client were to simply apply this server correction update verbatim, it would yank the client back in time, completely undoing any client-side prediction. How then to solve this while still allowing the client to predict ahead?
The solution is to keep a circular buffer of past character state and input for the local player on the client, then when the client receives a correction from the server, it first discards any buffered state older than the corrected state from the server, and replays the state starting from the corrected state back to the present “predicted” time on the client using player inputs stored in the circular buffer. In effect the client invisibly “rewinds and replays” the last n frames of local player character movement while holding the rest of the world fixed.
This way the player appears to control their own character without any latency, and provided that the client and server character simulation code is reasonable, giving roughly exactly the same result for the same inputs on the client and server, it is rarely corrected. It is as Tim Sweeney describes:
… the best of both worlds: In all cases, the server remains completely authoritative. Nearly all the time, the client movement simulation exactly mirrors the client movement carried out by the server, so the client’s position is seldom corrected. Only in the rare case, such as a player getting hit by a rocket, or bumping into an enemy, will the client’s location need to be corrected.
In other words, only when the player’s character is affected by something external to the local player’s input, which cannot possibly be predicted on the client, will the player’s position need to be corrected. That and of course, if the player is attempting to cheat :)
翻译:黄威(横写、意气风发) 审校:艾涛(轻描一个世界)
现在的游戏局限于局域网游戏以及拥有良好连接条件的大学网络或是大公司的精英之间的游戏,为了改变这种情况,是时候改变这个模型了。这就是John Carmack 1996年在发布雷神之锤时所做的事情——他使用客户端/服务器(C/S结构)代替了对等同步模型(P2P)。
这个问题在历史上分两个部分来解决。第一部分就是JohnCarmack为雷神世界开发的客户端移动预测,它后来被合并作为Tim Sweeney的魔域幻境网络模型的一部分。第二部分就是维尔福公司的Yahn Bernier为反恐精英开发的延迟补偿。在本节中,我们将主要讨论第一部分——如何隐藏玩家移动的延迟。
所以在FPS游戏中,尽管每个玩家在本地预测自己角色的运动,从表面上隐藏了延迟,但以服务器状态作为每个玩家角色状态的标准是绝对有必要的。就像Tim Sweeney在UE网络架构里写到的:“服务器才是大哥!”
这个方法可以让玩家看似无延迟地控制他们的角色,并且如果客户端与服务器的角色模拟代码一致的话——由于在客户端与服务器上相同的输入可以准确给出相同的结果——这就很少出现要修正的情况。这就像是Tim Sweeney描述的那样:
Hi, I’m Glenn Fiedler and welcome to Networking for Game Programmers.
In the previous article, we added our own concept of virtual connection on top of UDP. In this article we’re going to add reliability, ordering and congestion avoidance to our virtual UDP connection.
Those of you familiar with TCP know that it already has its own concept of connection, reliability-ordering and congestion avoidance, so why are we rewriting our own mini version of TCP on top of UDP?
The issue is that multiplayer action games rely on a steady stream of packets sent at rates of 10 to 30 packets per second, and for the most part, the data contained is these packets is so time sensitive that only the most recent data is useful. This includes data such as player inputs, the position, orientation and velocity of each player character, and the state of physics objects in the world.
The problem with TCP is that it abstracts data delivery as a reliable ordered stream. Because of this, if a packet is lost, TCP has to stop and wait for that packet to be resent. This interrupts the steady stream of packets because more recent packets must wait in a queue until the resent packet arrives, so packets are received in the same order they were sent.
What we need is a different type of reliability. Instead of having all data treated as a reliable ordered stream, we want to send packets at a steady rate and get notified when packets are received by the other computer. This allows time sensitive data to get through without waiting for resent packets, while letting us make our own decision about how to handle packet loss at the application level.
It is not possible to implement a reliability system with these properties using TCP, so we have no choice but to roll our own reliability on top of UDP.
The goal of our reliability system is simple: we want to know which packets arrive at the other side of the connection.
First we need a way to identify packets.
What if we had added the concept of a “packet id”? Let’s make it an integer value. We could start this at zero then with each packet we send, increase the number by one. The first packet we send would be packet 0, and the 100th packet sent is packet 99.
This is actually quite a common technique. It’s even used in TCP! These packet ids are called sequence numbers. While we’re not going to implement reliability exactly as TCP does, it makes sense to use the same terminology, so we’ll call them sequence numbers from now on.
Since UDP does not guarantee the order of packets, the 100th packet received is not necessarily the 100th packet sent. It follows that we need to insert the sequence number somewhere in the packet, so that the computer at the other side of the connection knows which packet it is.
We already have a simple packet header for the virtual connection from the previous article, so we’ll just add the sequence number in the header like this:
[uint protocol id]
[uint sequence]
(packet data…)
Now when the other computer receives a packet it knows its sequence number according to the computer that sent it.
Now that we can identify packets using sequence numbers, the next step is to let the other side of the connection know which packets we receive.
Logically this is quite simple, we just need to take note of the sequence number of each packet we receive, and send those sequence numbers back to the computer that sent them.
Because we are sending packets continuously between both machines, we can just add the ack to the packet header, just like we did with the sequence number:
[uint protocol id]
[uint sequence]
[uint ack]
(packet data…)
Our general approach is as follows:
Each time we send a packet we increase the local sequence number
When we receieve a packet, we check the sequence number of the packet against the sequence number of the most recently received packet, called the remote sequence number. If the packet is more recent, we update the remote sequence to be equal to the sequence number of the packet.
When we compose packet headers, the local sequence becomes the sequence number of the packet, and the remote sequence becomes the ack.
This simple ack system works provided that one packet comes in for each packet we send out.
But what if packets clump up such that two packets arrive before we send a packet? We only have space for one ack per-packet, so what do we do?
Now consider the case where one side of the connection is sending packets at a faster rate. If the client sends 30 packets per-second, and the server only sends 10 packets per-second, we need at least 3 acks included in each packet sent from the server.
Let’s make it even more complex! What if the packet containing the ack is lost? The computer that sent the packet would think the packet got lost but it was actually received!
It seems like we need to make our reliability system… more reliable!
Here is where we diverge significantly from TCP.
What TCP does is maintain a sliding window where the ack sent is the sequence number of the next packet it expects to receive, in order. If TCP does not receive an ack for a given packet, it stops and resends a packet with that sequence number again. This is exactly the behavior we want to avoid!
In our reliability system, we never resend a packet with a given sequence number. We sequence n exactly once, then we send n+1, n+2 and so on. We never stop and resend packet n if it was lost, we leave it up to the application to compose a new packet containing the data that was lost, if necessary, and this packet gets sent with a new sequence number.
Because we’re doing things differently to TCP, its now possible to have holes in the set of packets we ack, so it is no longer sufficient to just state the sequence number of the most recent packet we have received.
We need to include multiple acks per-packet.
How many acks do we need?
As mentioned previously we have the case where one side of the connection sends packets faster than the other. Let’s assume that the worst case is one side sending no less than 10 packets per-second, while the other sends no more than 30. In this case, the average number of acks we’ll need per-packet is 3, but if packets clump up a bit, we would need more. Let’s say 6-10 worst case.
What about acks that don’t get through because the packet containing the ack is lost?
To solve this, we’re going to use a classic networking strategy of using redundancy to defeat packet loss!
Let’s include 33 acks per-packet, and this isn’t just going to be up to 33, but always 33. So for any given ack we redundantly send it up to 32 additional times, just in case one packet with the ack doesn’t get through!
But how can we possibly fit 33 acks in a packet? At 4 bytes per-ack thats 132 bytes!
The trick is to represent the 32 previous acks before “ack” using a bitfield:
[uint protocol id]
[uint sequence]
[uint ack]
[uint ack bitfield]
<em>(packet data…)</em>
We define “ack bitfield” such that each bit corresponds to acks of the 32 sequence numbers before “ack”. So let’s say “ack” is 100. If the first bit of “ack bitfield” is set, then the packet also includes an ack for packet 99. If the second bit is set, then packet 98 is acked. This goes all the way down to the 32nd bit for packet 68.
Our adjusted algorithm looks like this:
Each time we send a packet we increase the local sequence number
When we receive a packet, we check the sequence number of the packet against the remote sequence number. If the packet sequence is more recent, we update the remote sequence number.
When we compose packet headers, the local sequence becomes the sequence number of the packet, and the remote sequence becomes the ack. The ack bitfield is calculated by looking into a queue of up to 33 packets, containing sequence numbers in the range [remote sequence - 32, remote sequence]. We set bit n (in [1,32]) in ack bits to 1 if the sequence number remote sequence - n is in the received queue.
Additionally, when a packet is received, ack bitfield is scanned and if bit n is set, then we acknowledge sequence number packet sequence - n, if it has not been acked already.
With this improved algorithm, you would have to lose 100% of packets for more than a second to stop an ack getting through. And of course, it easily handles different send rates and clumped up packet receives.
Now that we know what packets are received by the other side of the connection, how do we detect packet loss?
The trick here is to flip it around and say that if you don’t get an ack for a packet within a certain amount of time, then we consider that packet lost.
Given that we are sending at no more than 30 packets per second, and we are redundantly sending acks roughly 30 times, if you don’t get an ack for a packet within one second, it is very likely that packet was lost.
So we are playing a bit of a trick here, while we can know 100% for sure which packets get through, but we can only be reasonably certain of the set of packets that didn’t arrive.
The implication of this is that any data which you resend using this reliability technique needs to have its own message id so that if you receive it multiple times, you can discard it. This can be done at the application level.
No discussion of sequence numbers and acks would be complete without coverage of sequence number wrap around!
Sequence numbers and acks are 32 bit unsigned integers, so they can represent numbers in the range [0,4294967295]. Thats a very high number! So high that if you sent 30 packets per-second, it would take over four and a half years for the sequence number to wrap back around to zero.
But perhaps you want to save some bandwidth so you shorten your sequence numbers and acks to 16 bit integers. You save 4 bytes per-packet, but now they wrap around in only half an hour.
So how do we handle this wrap around case?
The trick is to realize that if the current sequence number is already very high, and the next sequence number that comes in is very low, then you must have wrapped around. So even though the new sequence number is numerically lower than the current sequence value, it actually represents a more recent packet.
For example, let’s say we encoded sequence numbers in one byte (not recommended btw. :)), then they would wrap around after 255 like this:
… 252, 253, 254, 255, 0, 1, 2, 3, …
To handle this case we need a new function that is aware of the fact that sequence numbers wrap around to zero after 255, so that 0, 1, 2, 3 are considered more recent than 255. Otherwise, our reliability system stops working after you receive packet 255.
Here’s a function for 16 bit sequence numbers:
inline bool sequence_greater_than( uint16_t s1, uint16_t s2 )
return ( ( s1 > s2 ) && ( s1 - s2 <= 32768 ) ) ||
( ( s1 < s2 ) && ( s2 - s1 > 32768 ) );
This function works by comparing the two numbers and their difference. If their difference is less than 1⁄2 the maximum sequence number value, then they must be close together - so we just check if one is greater than the other, as usual. However, if they are far apart, their difference will be greater than 1⁄2 the max sequence, then we paradoxically consider the sequence number more recent if it is less than the current sequence number.
This last bit is what handles the wrap around of sequence numbers transparently, so 0,1,2 are considered more recent than 255.
Make sure you include this in any sequence number processing you do.
While we have solved reliability, there is still the question of congestion avoidance. TCP provides congestion avoidance as part of the packet when you get TCP reliability, but UDP has no congestion avoidance whatsoever!
If we just send packets without some sort of flow control, we risk flooding the connection and inducing severe latency (2 seconds plus!) as routers between us and the other computer become congested and buffer up packets. This happens because routers try very hard to deliver all the packets we send, and therefore tend to buffer up packets in a queue before they consider dropping them.
While it would be nice if we could tell the routers that our packets are time sensitive and should be dropped instead of buffered if the router is overloaded, we can’t really do this without rewriting the software for all routers in the world.
Instead, we need to focus on what we can actually do which is to avoid flooding the connection in the first place. We try to avoid sending too much bandwidth in the first place, and then if we detect congestion, we attempt to back off and send even less.
The way to do this is to implement our own basic congestion avoidance algorithm. And I stress basic! Just like reliability, we have no hope of coming up with something as general and robust as TCP’s implementation on the first try, so let’s keep it as simple as possible.
Since the whole point of congestion avoidance is to avoid flooding the connection and increasing round trip time (RTT), it makes sense that the most important metric as to whether or not we are flooding our connection is the RTT itself.
We need a way to measure the RTT of our connection.
Here is the basic technique:
For each packet we send, we add an entry to a queue containing the sequence number of the packet and the time it was sent.
Each time we receive an ack, we look up this entry and note the difference in local time between the time we receive the ack, and the time we sent the packet. This is the RTT time for that packet.
Because the arrival of packets varies with network jitter, we need to smooth this value to provide something meaningful, so each time we obtain a new RTT we move a percentage of the distance between our current RTT and the packet RTT. 10% seems to work well for me in practice. This is called an exponentially smoothed moving average, and it has the effect of smoothing out noise in the RTT with a low pass filter.
To ensure that the sent queue doesn’t grow forever, we discard packets once they have exceeded some maximum expected RTT. As discussed in the previous section on reliability, it is exceptionally likely that any packet not acked within a second was lost, so one second is a good value for this maximum RTT.
Now that we have RTT, we can use it as a metric to drive our congestion avoidance. If RTT gets too large, we send data less frequently, if its within acceptable ranges, we can try sending data more frequently.
As discussed before, let’s not get greedy, we’ll implement a very basic congestion avoidance. This congestion avoidance has two modes. Good and bad. I call it simple binary congestion avoidance.
Let’s assume you send packets of a certain size, say 256 bytes. You would like to send these packets 30 times a second, but if conditions are bad, you can drop down to 10 times a second.
So 256 byte packets 30 times a second is around 64kbits/sec, and 10 times a second is roughly 20kbit/sec. There isn’t a broadband network connection in the world that can’t handle at least 20kbit/sec, so we’ll move forward with this assumption. Unlike TCP which is entirely general for any device with any amount of send/recv bandwidth, we’re going to assume a minimum supported bandwidth for devices involved in our connections.
So the basic idea is this. When network conditions are “good” we send 30 packets per-second, and when network conditions are “bad” we drop to 10 packets per-second.
Of course, you can define “good” and “bad” however you like, but I’ve gotten good results considering only RTT. For example if RTT exceeds some threshold (say 250ms) then you know you are probably flooding the connection. Of course, this assumes that nobody would normally exceed 250ms under non-flooding conditions, which is reasonable given our broadband requirement.
How do you switch between good and bad? The algorithm I like to use operates as follows:
If you are currently in good mode, and conditions become bad, immediately drop to bad mode
If you are in bad mode, and conditions have been good for a specific length of time ’t’, then return to good mode
To avoid rapid toggling between good and bad mode, if you drop from good mode to bad in under 10 seconds, double the amount of time ’t’ before bad mode goes back to good. Clamp this at some maximum, say 60 seconds.
To avoid punishing good connections when they have short periods of bad behavior, for each 10 seconds the connection is in good mode, halve the time ’t’ before bad mode goes back to good. Clamp this at some minimum like 1 second.
With this algorithm you will rapidly respond to bad conditions and drop your send rate to 10 packets per-second, avoiding flooding of the connection. You’ll also conservatively try out good mode, and persist sending packets at a higher rate of 30 packets per-second, while network conditions are good.
Of course, you can implement much more sophisticated algorithms. Packet loss % can be taken into account as a metric, even the amount of network jitter (time variance in packet acks), not just RTT.
You can also get much more greedy with congestion avoidance, and attempt to discover when you can send data at a much higher bandwidth (eg. LAN), but you have to be very careful! With increased greediness comes more risk that you’ll flood the connection.
Our new reliability system let’s us send a steady stream of packets and notifies us which packets are received. From this we can infer lost packets, and resend data that didn’t get through if necessary. We also have a simple congestion avoidance system that drops from 30 packets per-second to 10 times a second so we don’t flood the connection.
翻译:艾涛(轻描一个世界) 审校:黄威(横写丶意气风发)
[uint protocol id]
[uint sequence]
(packet data…)
[uint protocol id]
[uint sequence]
[uint ack]
(packet data…)
[uint protocol id]
[uint sequence]
[uint ack]
[uint ack bitfield]
(packet data…)
举个例子,让我们假设我们用一个字节编码序列号(顺便说一下并不推荐这样做)。 :)), 之后他们就会在255后面进行环绕式处理,就像这样:
… 252, 253, 254, 255, 0, 1, 2, 3,…
boolsequence_more_recent( unsigned int s1,
unsigned int s2,
unsigned int max )
( s1 > s2 ) &&
( s1 - s2 <= max/2 )
( s2 > s1 ) &&
( s2 - s1 > max/2 );
这个功能通过比较两个数字和他们的不同来工作。如果它们之间的差异少于1/2的最大序列号值,那么它们必须靠在一起– 因此我们只需要照常检查某个序列号是否比另一个大。然而,如果它们相差很多,它们之间的差异将会比1/2的最大序列号值大,那么如果它比当前序列号小我们反而认为这个序列号是更新的。
因 Gaffer On Games 的源码原下载地址失效, 所以特地补上.