快照压缩技术的要点为 :
- 压缩Orientation数据 : 利用四元数的”最小的三个分量”性质:x^2+y^2+z^2+w^2 = 1 来在传输的时候丢弃一个分量并在网络的另外一端对整个四元数进行重建
- 压缩线性速度和Postion数据 : 把他们限制在某个范围内, 就可以用这个范围的最大值所占用的比特位数来保存这两种数据了, 而不用一个超大的数来保证可以保存他们的最大值了(占用超多bit位)
- 增量压缩
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快照插值这种游戏同步技术的要点为 :
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帧同步要点如下 :
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Hi, I’m Glenn Fiedler and welcome to the first article in Networked Physics.
In this article series we’re going to network a physics simulation three different ways: deterministic lockstep, snapshot interpolation and state synchronization.
But before we get to this, let’s spend some time exploring the physics simulation we’re going to network in this article series:
Here I’ve setup a simple simulation of a cube in the open source physics engine ODE. The player moves around by applying forces at its center of mass. The physics simulation takes this linear motion and calculates friction as the cube collides with the ground, inducing a rolling and tumbling motion.
This is why I chose a cube instead a sphere. I want this complex, unpredictable motion because rigid bodies in general move in interesting ways according to their shape.
Networked physics get interesting when the player interacts with other physically simulated objects, especially when those objects push back and affect the motion of the player.
So let’s add some more cubes to the simulation:
When the player interacts with a cube it turns red. When that cube comes to rest it turns back to grey (non-interacting).
While it’s cool to roll around and interact with other cubes, what I really wanted was a way to push lots of cubes around. What I came up with is this:
As you can see, interactions aren’t just direct. Red cubes pushed around by the player turn other cubes they touch red as well. This way, interactions fan out to cover all affected objects.
I also wanted a very complex coupled motion between the player and non-player cubes such they become one system: a group of rigid bodies joined together by constraints.
To implement this I thought it would be cool if the player could roll around and create a ball of cubes, like in one of my favorite games Katamari Damacy.
Cubes within a certain distance of the player have a force applied towards the center of the cube. These cubes remain physically simulated while in the katamari ball, they are not just “stuck” to the player like in the original game.
This is a very difficult situation for networked physics!
译者:陈敬凤(nunu) 审校:崔国军(飞扬971)
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网络物理部分的入门是相当困难的。你可能想知道你的物理模拟是否需要确定性以便可以进行网络传输和通信?你应该通过网络来发送物体的物理状态么?或者你应该通过网络来发送一些诸如碰撞时间或者物体相互作用力这些东西么?你到底是应该通过UDP还是TCP来传送数据?你应该使用客户端/服务器通信模型还是点对点的通信模型? 你是否需要一个专门的服务器?如何隐藏播放动作的时候的延迟?如何不让玩家作弊?
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