A optimized Hexo & Next.

This blog is powered by my open-source project, hexo-theme-neo

I’ve optimized the original NexT theme and many hexo plugins through numerous code modifications, including:

  • Implemented headroom.js for auto-hiding header: hides on downward scroll, reappears on upward scroll
  • The optimization of the animation. Now, even an extremely long blog article with tens of thousands of words won’t freeze.
  • Buttons that allow the sidebar to be fully expanded and the logic for double - clicking to expand it individually have been added, along with different markings for different levels of headings, making it clearer.
  • Mobile-first improvements:
    • Restructured header layout
    • Unified sidebar behavior between mobile/desktop
    • Scrollable table of contents on mobile
  • Added article encryption support
  • Replaced Fancybox with mediumzoom for superior image zoom experience
  • Redesigned local search engine:
    • Fixed keyboard pop-up issues on mobile
    • Excludes encrypted articles from search results
    • Added elegant transition animations


  1. Download Node.js version 10.13.0 here and verify with node -v. Using this specific version is crucial—do not modify it.
  2. Delete the source folder in this project.
  3. Create a new source folder.
  4. Run npm install -g hexo-cli, then npm install --force.
  5. Extract my_node_modules.tar.gz into the current directory tar -zxvf my_node_modules.tar.gz(Ensure Hexo is installed before running this step)
  6. Learn Hexo’s base usage for Writing/Generating/Deployment .
  7. Learn NexT. Explore NexT’s documentation for theme-specific configurations.
  8. Modify the configuration files: /_config.yml and /themes/next/_config.yml
  9. Run hexo clean to remove cached files.
  10. Run hexo generate to generate static files.
  11. Run hexo server to start a local Hexo server.

. . .


我修改了很多NexT的代码来对原版 NexT 做了优化, 如下 :

  • 添加了headroom支持, 现在有一个可以会自动隐藏的header了, 往下滚一下鼠标则隐藏, 往上则出现
  • 动画的优化, 现在即使是几万字的超长博客文章也不会卡顿
  • 增加了侧边栏可以完全展开的按钮以及双击单独展开的逻辑, 以及不同级别的标题的不同标记, 更加清晰
  • 改了NexT的很多地方来优化移动端的表现
    • header的布局
    • 移动端和PC端的侧边栏更加统一
    • 移动端的文章目录列表现在可以滑动了
  • 添加了文章加密的支持
  • 舍弃了fancybox, 用mediumzoom拥有更好的图片zoom的效果
  • 重做了本地搜索引擎
    • 现在移动端不会经常无故弹不出键盘了
    • 也不会列出加密文章的内容了
    • 更优雅的过渡动画


  1. 这里下载node.js的 10.13.0 的版本](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v10.13.0), 尝试node -v, 这个node版本很关键, 不要乱改
  2. 删除我项目中的 source 文件夹
  3. 新建一个 source 文件夹
  4. npm install -g hexo-cli然后再npm install --force
  5. 解压 my_node_modules.tar.gz 到当前目录(确保这一步在安装了hexo之后): tar -zxvf my_node_modules.tar.gz
  6. 学习Hexo的基本操作来写作/生成/部署
  7. 学习 NexT
  8. 修改 /_config.yml/themes/next/_config.yml
  9. hexo clean删除缓存
  10. hexo generate生成静态文件
  11. hexo server启动一个本地hexo服务器