AZ driver's license test notes

system of measurement units

  • 1 feet = 0.3048 meter
    • 50 feet = 15 meter
    • 100 feet = 30 meter
  • 1 feet = 12 inch
  • 1 mile = 1.6093 kilometer
  • mph = mile per hour
    • 1mph = 1.6kmh
    • 18mph = 30kmh
    • 40mph = 64kmh
    • 50mph = 80kmh
    • 62mph = 100kmh
    • 75mph = 120kmh
    • 90mph = 144kmh

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the differences between China and the U.S.

double yellow solid lines

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Double solid yellow lines mean that passing is not allowed in either direction. You may not cross the lines unless you are turning left.(Excerpt from the AZ Driver’s Manual.)

(国内双黄线是绝对禁止跨越或者压线的, 但在美国大部分州都可以双黄实线左转进driveway或者alley的, 但在美国不能跨越双黄线超车. 也就是说美国的实线是用来禁止超车的, 不是用来禁止左转的。其中亚利桑那、伊州、加州、宾州很确定,有实际看到过交规这么写。 引用)



  • 在国内开车,如果需要右转并且旁边有自行车道,是绝对不能借自行车道右转的,借道了就是违规,记得2018年夏天江苏昆山龙哥事件,就是他开着宝马借自行车道右转才撞到了别人。
  • 不过在美国规则完全相反,经过我观察、看网上的视频和各种教程,发现在美国驾照考试时,右转的时候需要尽可能靠右行驶,据说这样可以不妨碍直行的车辆,如果右手边是自行车道,也可以在不妨碍骑车人的情况下临时占用自行车道,总体原则是尽量靠右(如果有stop sign或红灯的时候,停车时也尽量靠右并且车头向右)。我第一次在DMV路考的时候,就是因为在路口红灯右转的时候,不知道是应该紧贴道沿,还是等前面停的车,所以一直犹豫不敢动,还被考官指出错误。


中国没有这种东西, 但美国有这玩意是专门用来左转的

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  • back 倒车
  • headlight 车头灯(车大灯)
  • the instrumental panel lights 仪表盘灯
  • parking lights 示廓灯(日间行车灯)
  • bumper 保险杠
  • curb v. 控制,抑制;勒住(马) n. 控制,抑制;<美>路缘,马路牙子;(马的跗关节后部因扭伤韧带引起的)硬瘤
  • rumble strips [ˈrʌmbl],意为“隆隆声;辘辘声;低沉声” ,在此处 “rumble strips” 是指道路上的减速带。 strip v. 除去,撕掉(外皮或表层);夺去,n.(纸、金属、织物等)条,带;带状地带
  • privilege 特权
  • posted speed 限速, posted: 被张贴的
  • travel lane [ˈtræv(ə)l leɪn]:行车道
  • clear [klɪr]:清除,驶离(在这里指完全通过路口)
  • pass 超车
  • motorists 驾车者 (注意: 并非特指骑摩托的人)
  • high beam headlights [haɪ biːm ˈhɛdˌlaɪts]:远光灯
  • low beam setting [loʊ biːm ˈsɛtɪŋ]:近光灯模式
  • traction 牵引力
  • pedestrian / pəˈdestriən / 行人
  • graded hill: 修整过的山坡 或 有坡度的山丘
    • Graded 在这里指经过修整、平整或有一定坡度的。
    • 指小山或丘陵。
  • detour 绕道, 绕行
  • alley 小巷子
  • prior /ˈpraɪə(r)/adj. 先前的;较早的;优先的 这里 “prior to” 为固定短语,意为 “在…… 之前” 。
  • Cone Zone 指的是交通施工区或道路维修区域,通常会看到许多交通锥(cones)摆放在道路上,用来引导车辆避开施工区域或改道行驶。
    • • Cone(锥形物)指的是 交通锥,用于标示施工区或临时变道区域。
    • • Zone(区域)指的是受影响的道路区域。
    • • “Cone Zone” 通常用于提醒司机在施工路段减速行驶,注意安全,避免因不小心撞到工人或障碍物而发生事故。
  • Gore Area: 是指交通标识中明确标示的不可进入的区域,通常用于区分车道,防止车辆进入危险区域。
    • “Gore” 这个词在交通中通常指的是“禁驶区”或“缓冲区”,是指公路、路面或车道之间的区域,这些地方通常是不允许车辆行驶的。具体来说,它是指一个位于交叉口、出口或其他道路变化之间的三角形区域,用来避免车辆误入或在危险地带停留。
    • 在普通语境中,“gore” 还可以指血腥的场景或伤口中的血液,但在交通标志中,它指的是某种特定的、不可行驶的区域。
  • Reversible Lanes 在交通领域通常指可变车道,也被称为潮汐车道
  • hood of the car: 引擎盖 ;
    • hood n.(衣服上的)兜帽,风帽;头巾,面罩;(设备或机器的)防护罩,罩;汽车发动机罩;(炉灶上方的)排风罩,抽油烟罩;(汽车、婴儿车等)可折叠车篷;<美,非正式>恶棍,暴徒;<美,非正式>社区,街区;羽冠,垂兜,颈部皮褶;(野芝麻等植物的)盔状花冠;学位连领帽(表示学位种类);(猎鹰)(鹰的)皮头罩 v. 加罩于,覆盖
  • no zones: 盲区
  • pump the brakes.: 点踩刹车。pump [pʌmp] 点踩(刹车),指反复短时间踩下刹车以控制车辆速度。
  • pavement 铺装路面
  • pedal 踏板
  • winding road: 弯绕的路, winding / ˈwaɪndɪŋ / adj. 蜿蜒的; wind / wɪnd / n. 风 v. 弯曲前进, 蜿蜒; 缠绕
  • Overtaking cars. 翻译:超车的车辆。 overtake [ˌəʊvəˈteɪk] v. 超车;赶上;突然来袭 这里是 “超车” 的意思。
  • swerve / swɜːrv / 突然转向
  • roundabout / ˈraʊndəbaʊt / 环岛
  • Motorcycle 摩托车
  • scooter 小型摩托车
  • moped 助力车
  • drowsy / ˈdraʊzi / 困倦的
  • intoxicated. / ɪnˈtɑːksɪkeɪtɪd / adj. 喝醉的;极度兴奋的
  • sober./ ˈsoʊbər / adj. 未喝醉的,清醒的;严肃的
  • coordinated. / ko,ɔrd’netɪd / adj. 协调一致的;(色彩等)搭配协调的
  • cite v. 开罚单; 引用,援引; n. <美>引用,引文
  • inclement 天气险恶的
  • depressant /dɪˈpresnt/,名词,意为“镇静剂;抑制剂”
  • stimulant /ˈstɪmjələnt/,名词,意为“兴奋剂;刺激物”
  • Alcohol in any concentration 任何浓度的酒精 concentration n. 专心 ;含量, 浓度
  • median adj. 在中间的 n. 中位数; (道路的)中央分隔带
  • station wagon: 旅行车
  • cushion / ˈkʊʃ(ə)n / 缓冲, 垫子


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加州的HOV 專用道的路面塗有菱形標誌及「Carpool Lane」的字樣。

合用車專用道 (Carpool)/高载客量車輛 (HOV) 專用道HOV 行車線是專供共享乘車(也叫拼车车辆: car pool vehicles)、公共汽車、摩托車或者低排量車輛使用的行車線。要使用HOV專用道,必須滿足以下條件之一:

  • 您的車裡有一定數量的人。入口匝道或道路治線將有指示牌為您告知最少人數。標誌還列出 HOV 規則適用的日期和時間。
  • 您駕駛的是低排放或零排放車輛。您必須展示 DMV 簽發的特殊貼花。
    • alt text
  • 您正在騎摩托車「除非另有說明」。

shoulder & curb

路肩(Shoulder) 和 马路牙子(Curb) 是两个不同的道路结构,它们的作用和位置有所区别:

  1. 路肩(Shoulder)
    • 位置:位于机动车道的最外侧,紧挨着车行道。
    • 作用:用于紧急停车、疏导交通、提供额外的行驶空间,有时也供行人或自行车使用。
    • 特点:一般是平坦的,有的用沥青或水泥铺设,也可能是碎石或土路面。
    • 英语:Shoulder

  2. 马路牙子(Curb)
    • 位置:位于人行道或绿化带与车行道之间的边缘。
    • 作用:用于区分机动车道与人行道或绿化带,防止车辆驶上人行道,引导雨水流向排水系统。
    • 特点:通常是竖立的水泥或石材边缘,高度明显高于车道。
    • 英语:Curb


名称 位置 作用 特点
路肩(Shoulder) 机动车道最外侧 提供紧急停车和额外行驶空间 通常是平坦的沥青或碎石路面
马路牙子(Curb) 人行道或绿化带边缘 保护行人,防止车辆驶入 竖立的水泥或石材边缘,高度明显


driveway 是 私人车道、车库通道 的意思,指从公共道路通向私人住宅、车库或建筑物入口的短小道路。
📌 例句:

- •    Please don’t park in my driveway. (请不要停在我的车道上。)
- •    He backed his car out of the driveway. (他把车倒出了车道。)
  • 🔹 driveway ≠ road(公路)
  • 🔹 driveway ≠ street(街道)

driveway 通常是私人拥有的,位于房屋前面或侧面,而 road/street 是公共道路。 🚗

freeway & highway

FreewayHighway 都指高速公路,但它们在设计和功能上有一些区别。

1. Freeway(高速公路,快速路)


专门的出入口:只能通过匝道(ramps) 进出。
不收费(大多数情况下):大部分 freeway 是免费的,但有些可能有收费车道(toll lanes)


  • I-5, I-10, I-80(美国的州际高速公路 Interstates)
  • 洛杉矶的 405 Freeway

📌 关键词: 🚧 无红绿灯,无交叉口,匝道进出,车速快

2. Highway(公路,主干道)


可能有红绿灯或交叉口:不像 Freeway 那样封闭,可能有平交路口(intersections) 和红绿灯。
可以是收费道路(Toll Road):有些高速公路(如 Turnpike)需要付费通行。
车速可能较低:因为有交叉路口,车速可能比 Freeway 慢。


  • 美国 101 号公路(US-101)
  • 中国的国道(G318)、省道(S20)
  • 一些乡村公路和快速路

📌 关键词: 🚦 可能有红绿灯,交叉口,收费可能性,车速不一定快

🚀 总结

对比项 Freeway 🚗💨 Highway 🛣
是否封闭 ✅ 完全封闭 ❌ 可能有交叉口
红绿灯 ❌ 没有 ✅ 可能有
出入口 通过匝道进出 可能直接从其他道路进入
是否收费 大多数免费,部分收费 可能收费或免费
车速 🚀 较快 🚗 可能较慢
常见示例 州际高速(Interstate) 城市主干道、乡村公路

💡 什么时候用哪一个词

  • 如果是封闭高速,没有红绿灯 → 叫 Freeway
  • 如果是普通公路,可能有交叉口或红绿灯 → 叫 Highway
  • 所有 Freeway 都是 Highway,但不是所有 Highway 都是 Freeway!

speed limits

The following speed limits must be observed when no limit is posted:

  • ▪ 15 mph when approaching a school crosswalk.
  • ▪ 25 mph in any business or residential district.
  • ▪ 55 mph on open highways or city freeways.
  • ▪ 65 mph on designated open highways.
  • ▪ 75 mph on rural freeways.

signal lights

GREEN − Green Means Go,if Clear!

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This signal means GO. You may
go through an intersection in
the direction indicated by the signal if the
roadway is clear. Check left and right for
cross traffic before entering the intersection
to avoid a collision with a red light runner.
Yield to any vehicle that is already in the
intersection when the light changed.

RED − Red Means Stop!

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This signal means STOP. You must come to a complete stop before you reach the intersection, stop line or crosswalk. Remain stopped for as long as the light stays red. Where not prohibited by signs, a right turn may be made after coming to a complete stop, when motor traffic and pedestrian traffic are clear.

YELLOW − Yellow Means Caution!

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This signal means CAUTION. A
steady yellow light is a warning
that the light is about to turn red. If you have
not entered the intersection, you should
come to a safe stop. If you are already in the
intersection, you should continue moving and
clear it safely. Speeding up to “beat the light” is illegal and could cause a crash.

Flashing Red Light

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A flashing red light has the same meaning as a stop sign. You must come to a full stop, then proceed with caution when the roadway is clear.

Flashing Yellow Light

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A flashing yellow light means you should slow
down and proceed with caution if the roadway
is clear.

Red Arrow

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A lighted red arrow means that you may not
turn in the direction of the arrow. You must
stop and wait for the green signal to appear
before turning.

Yellow Arrow

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A yellow arrow warns that the light is about to
change to red. If you have not entered the
intersection, you must stop and wait for a
green arrow. If you are already in the
intersection, you should continue your turn
and clear the intersection safely.

Flashing Yellow Arrow

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A flashing yellow arrow means you should slow
down and turn with caution if the roadway is
clear. Yield the right-of-way to any oncoming
vehicle or pedestrian before making your turn.

Green Arrow

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A green arrow appearing alone or with
another signal light means that you
may proceed in the direction of the
arrow, if you are in the proper lane and
the roadway is clear.

Inoperative Signal Lights

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When approaching an intersection with an
inoperative traffic control signal, treat it as
you would a 4-way stop. Come to a complete
stop before entering the intersection and then
proceed when the roadway is clear.
If two vehicles arrive at the intersection at
about the same time, both must stop and the
driver of the vehicle on the left must yield the
right-of-way to the driver on the right.(美国也有让右原则)

frequently mistaken questions & answers

注: 有 的为正确选项

  • A school bus is stopped on a four-lane road with its stop-sign arm extended, you must:
    • : Stop regardless of your direction of travel
  • Increase your following distance when driving behind a large vehicle:
    • : To better see around the sides of the vehicle.
    • Because other drivers tend to pull behind(跟在 … 后面) large vehicles before trying to pass them.
    • Because following too closely will get you caught in the vehicle’s slipstream.
  • At dawn or dusk and in rain or snow, it can be hard to see and be seen. A good way to let other drivers know you are there is to turn:
    • Up the instrumental panel lights.
    • On your parking lights. (Parking lights (b) are not bright enough for driving in low-visibility conditions.)
    • : On your headlights.
  • 原文:When driving on an interstate, to avoid traffic merging from on - ramps to your right, the best thing to do is to
    • 翻译:当在州际公路上驾车时,为了避免从右侧匝道汇入的车流,最好的做法是
    • 解释:interstate /ˈɪntəsteɪt/ ,名词,意为“州际公路” ;merge /mɜːdʒ/ ,动词,意为“合并;汇入” ;ramp /ræmp/ ,名词,意为“匝道;斜坡” 。
  • When passing another vehicle, you should return to your original lane when:
    • : You can see both headlights of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.
    • You have cleared the front bumper of the passed vehicle.
    • You are 50 feet in front of the passed vehicle.
  • If you encounter a dust storm while driving, you should:
    • Be cautious and drive through it, since dust storms usually don’t last very long.
    • : Slow down, carefully pull completely off the road, turn off your lights, take your foot off the brake, and wait until the storm passes.
      • Turn off your lights so other drivers don’t mistake your car for a moving vehicle and crash into you.
      • Take your foot off the brake to ensure that your brake lights don’t mislead others.
    • Slow down, carefully pull completely off the road, turn on your lights, and wait until the storm passes.
  • “What is the purpose of rumble strips?” “减速带的作用是什么?” “rumble” [ˈrʌmbl],意为“隆隆声;辘辘声;低沉声” ,在此处 “rumble strips” 是指道路上的减速带。
    • “They alert drivers to potential tire problems.” “它们提醒司机潜在的轮胎问题。”
      • “alert” [əˈlɜːt],作动词,意为“使警觉;使警惕;警告” ;“potential” [pəˈtenʃl],作形容词,意为“潜在的;可能的” 。
    • “They test a vehicle’s shock absorbers.” “它们测试车辆的减震器。”
      • “vehicle” [ˈviːəkl],意为“车辆;交通工具” ;“shock absorber” [ˈʃɒk əbsɔːbə(r)],意为“减震器” 。
    • : “Through vibration and sound, they alert inattentive drivers to the fact that their vehicles have left the travel lane” “通过震动和声音,它们提醒疏忽的司机注意到他们的车辆已经离开了行车道。”
      • “vibration” [vaɪˈbreɪʃn],意为“震动;颤动” ;“inattentive” [ˌɪnəˈtentɪv],意为“疏忽的;不注意的” 。
  • Having a driver license is a:
    • Right, not a privilege.
    • : Privilege, not a right.
      • Holding a driver license is not a right. It is a privilege that must be earned and maintained.
    • Requirement.
  • When driving at night and approaching a car from behind, lower your high beam headlights when you are within:
    • 500 feet.
    • 100 feet.
    • : 200 feet.
  • You may not park within __ of a railroad crossing.
    • 100 feet
    • 75 feet
    • : 50 feet
  • Your license can be suspended if you are under 21 and drive with a blood alcohol level of:
    • 0.15 percent or more.
    • 0.08 percent or more.
    • : Any amount.
  • It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of:
    • 0.05 percent.
    • : 0.08 percent.
    • 0.02 percent.
  • Which passengers are required to wear a safety belt in a moving vehicle?
    • Only a passenger in the front seat.
    • Only passengers age 16 or below.
    • : Passengers in the front seat and passengers age 16 and below.
      • In Arizona, all front seat passengers are required to wear a fastened safety belt in a moving vehicle. Passengers age 16 and below are also required to wear a fastened safety belt, regardless of where they are seated in the vehicle.
  • Which of these statements is true about roadwork zones?
    • Fines are the same for violations committed in work zones as they are under normal traffic conditions.
    • : You must “Slow for the Cone Zone(指的是交通施工区或道路维修区域,通常会看到许多交通锥(cones)摆放在道路上,用来引导车辆避开施工区域或改道行驶。)
    • Slow down only if you think workers are present.
  • If you experience a tire blowout:
    • a. Tap or pump the brakes.
      • 错误原因: 当轮胎爆胎(tire blowout) 时,轻踩或点踩刹车(tap or pump the brakes) 也不是理想的做法,原因如下:
        1. 轻踩刹车可能导致车辆不稳定
        2. 点踩刹车(pump the brakes)可能让车辆失控
    • : b. Slow down gradually and use your brakes lightly.
      • 爆胎时正确的做法:
        ✅ 双手紧握方向盘,保持直线行驶
        ✅ 逐渐松开油门,让车辆自然减速(利用发动机制动,而不是刹车)
        ✅ 等车速降低到较安全范围后(比如 30 mph 以下),再轻踩刹车靠边停车
        🚫 不要猛踩刹车,也不要快速转动方向盘,否则容易失控!
    • c. Apply the brakes firmly and quickly.
  • Water on the road can cause a vehicle to hydroplane. Your car may hydroplane at speeds as low as:(你的汽车可能在以下最低速度下发生水膜滑行, 意思就是在多大的速度以上就会开始水膜滑行)
    • 45 miles per hour.
    • : 35 miles per hour.
      • Hydroplaning occurs when there is standing water on a roadway. At speeds up to 35 mph, most tires will channel water away from the tire. As your speed increases past 35 mph, tires cannot channel the water as well and your tires may start to lose contact with the road and ride over the water like a set of water skis.
      • 水膜滑行(hydroplaning)通常在35 英里每小时(mph)以上的速度下发生,当速度继续增加时,轮胎可能无法有效排水,导致车辆失去抓地力并在水面上滑行。这是雨天驾驶的主要危险之一,所以在湿滑路面行驶时应降低车速,避免急加速或急转弯,以减少水膜滑行的风险。
    • 40 miles per hour.
  • If you want to enter the freeway but you don’t see a gap in traffic, you should:
    • Maintain your speed and force the other drivers to create a gap.
    • : Slow down on the ramp to wait for a gap.
      • If you want to enter the freeway but do not see a space for your vehicle in traffic, slow down on the ramp to wait for a gap. Do not drive to the end of the ramp and wait for a gap or you will not have enough room to accelerate to the speed of traffic before entering the roadway.
    • Stop at the end of the ramp to wait for a gap.
  • You have allowed the wheels of your vehicle to run off the edge of the pavement. What should you do first?
    • Turn the front wheels slightly to the left to edge the car back onto the pavement.
    • : Hold the steering wheel firmly, release the gas pedal, and gently apply the brakes.
      • If your vehicle leaves the roadway, hold the steering wheel firmly, release the gas pedal, and gently apply the brakes. Wait until your speed has reduced, check the traffic, and look for a place to safely return to the roadway by merging back into traffic. Overcompensating by jerking the wheel to return to the roadway can cause you to lose control of your vehicle or may cause your car to go into other lanes of traffic.
    • Apply the brakes and turn the front wheels sharply to the left.
  • Which of the following road surfaces freezes first?
    • A tunnel
    • An intersection
    • : A bridge
      • Bridges and overpasses freeze before regular roads because they are exposed to air on all sides, allowing cold air to circulate above and below them. This causes them to lose heat more quickly than roads that are in direct contact with the ground, which retains some warmth. As a result, bridges can become icy even when the rest of the road appears dry.
  • You should signal to turn __ before beginning the turn.
    • 20 feet
    • 50 feet
    • : 100 feet
  • Motorcycles, scooters, and mopeds are not easy to see; therefore, you should:
    • Slow down when driving.
    • : Make constant visual checks.
    • Share a lane with a motorcycle.
  • When driving in fog, you should:
    • : Slow down and use your low beam headlights.
    • Slow down and use your high beam headlights.
      • 错误原因: 用远光灯在大雾/沙尘暴/下雪/下雨时候容易炫光, 更难看清路面
    • Turn your lights on and off to warn other drivers.
  • While driving at night, a vehicle coming toward you has its high beams on, making it hard for you to see the road ahead. You should:
    • Look ahead toward the left edge of your lane.
    • : Look ahead toward the right edge of your lane.
      • When a vehicle with high beams on is approaching, looking toward the right edge of your lane helps you avoid being blinded by the bright lights. This technique, often called the “right edge rule,” allows you to use the road markings as a guide while keeping your vision adjusted to the darkness. Looking straight ahead into the high beams can cause temporary blindness, making it harder to see the road.
    • Look straight ahead in your lane.
  • When you see an emergency vehicle approaching while using its flashing lights, you must:
    • Maintain your speed and stay in your lane until the vehicle has passed.
    • Move into the right lane and drive slowly until the vehicle has passed.
    • : Pull over to the curb or edge of the road and stop until the vehicle has passed.
  • The driver ahead of you stops at a crosswalk. What should you do?
    • Cautiously pass the vehicle at 10 mph or slower.
    • : Stop, proceeding only when all the pedestrians have crossed.
      • You must not pass a vehicle that is stopped at a crosswalk. There may be pedestrians crossing the street that you cannot see. Instead, stop, proceeding only after all pedestrians have crossed.
    • Change lanes, look carefully, and pass the stopped vehicle.
  • Regulatory signs are:
    • Green.
    • Yellow.
    • : White.
      • Regulatory signs inform drivers of specific laws that must be obeyed. Displayed laws may be about traffic direction, lane use, turning, speed, parking, or special situations. Regulatory signs are commonly white squares or rectangles with black, red, or green letters or symbols.
        • At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always:
    • Stop, listen, and proceed cautiously.
    • : Look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming.
      • Any time you come to a place where people may cross or enter your path, or where one line of traffic meets another, you should look to the left and right sides of your vehicle to make sure no one is coming.
    • Slowly pass vehicles that seem to be stopped for no reason.
  • At a school crossing sign, you should:
    • Always stop, whether there is a stop sign or not.
    • : Watch for children and be ready to stop.
      • Pentagonal signs mean you are approaching a school zone and/or school crossing. When you see these signs, be alert and prepare to stop.
    • Always sound your horn when you see children.
  • You may not park within __ of a fire hydrant.
    • 25 feet
    • : 15 feet
    • 30 feet
  • Drivers should leave a space cushion(缓冲, 垫子) of __ between themselves and the vehicle ahead of them.
    • One second
    • : Three to six seconds
      • Drivers should leave a space cushion of three to six seconds between themselves and the vehicle directly ahead of them, under normal conditions. The distance should increase as speeds increase.
    • 10 seconds
  • n a vehicle equipped with airbags, the safest place for children age 12 and under to ride is in:
    • The front seat.
    • : The back seat.
    • The bed of a pick-up truck.
  • If you find yourself in a skid:
    • Brake lightly.
    • : Stay off the brakes.
      • If your vehicle begins to skid, do not use the brakes. Braking could make the skid worse.
    • Brake abruptly.