
Why does this blog have garbled characters, messy layout, or choppy transition animations?

If possible, please use Safari(the best), the new Edge (Chromium kernel version, recommended) or Chrome (recommended) to open this blog.

This blog has not been deeply optimized for IE6, old Edge, or UC.

If you are using 360 Browser or Sogou Browser on the PC side, please switch to the Extreme Speed mode (switch to the Chromium kernel) in the address bar to browse this blog for the best experience.

Some of my open-source projects

  • GitHub : https://github.com/no5ix
  • hexo-theme-neo : A optimized hexo-theme-next. (This blog is powered by it.)
  • auto-toc : A userscript that adds a table of contents to any website.
  • tab-to-find : A shell plugin that provides interactive Tab search & completion for any path.
  • sux : An alternative to Alfred+Wox+Listary+OneQuick+CapslockPlus.
  • sux-mac : A powerful sux-like productivity tool on Mac.
  • kcpp : A single-header-only kcp session implementation (dynamic redundancy + reliable udp/unreliable channel) & A annotated kcp.
  • realtime-server : A Realtime Dedicated Game Server.
  • realtime-server-ue4-demo : A UE4 State Synchronization demo for realtime-server.
  • realtinet : A fast tcp/udp net lib, based on muduo + kcp.
  • flock-ai-ue4-plugin : A fish flock AI plugin for Unreal Engine 4.