A shell plugin that provides interactive Tab search & completion for any path



One tab enables interactive and dynamic search for everything!!

It also supports tab dynamic completion of commands for the paths of any directories and files.

It is extremely useful for people who often need to find files and are troubled by entering very long paths. There is no need to type the paths one by one slowly. You can search and reach the target in one step. Even if there are millions of files, it is still very smooth and not laggy at all.

Abbreviation: TTF




  • Just press tab as usual.
    • Without entering anything, tab can directly and dynamically search for all directories and files in the current directory and its subdirectories. It’s also very useful just as a search tool.
    • Use tab to autocomplete.
      • It doesn’t necessarily have to be an exact match at the beginning. For example, if you enter doc and then press tab, it can match test_doc, doc_test, and test_doc_test.
      • It can recursively match all files/directories with doc in the subdirectories of the current directory. That means you can enter cd doc in the home directory and directly cd from the home directory to ~/github/test - proj/documents in one step!
        • If there is only one match, it will be automatically completed.
          • For example, if it matches Documents/, but if that’s not what you want and you want ~/github/test - proj/documents, you can press tab again.
        • If there is more than one match, it will recursively search all folders containing doc in the subdirectories.
      • If what follows cd is not a directory, it will automatically enter the directory where that file is located. For example, if you enter cd ~/github/test.txt, it can directly enter the ~/github folder.
      • If the input ends with //, it can search only for folders in one level of the directory, instead of recursively searching all subdirectories.
      • If the input ends with .., it can search only for files in one level of the directory, instead of recursively searching all subdirectories.
      • The same applies to other commands such as vi, ln, mv, cp, etc.


  • Press tab to search everything
  • Press tab for completion as usual

. . .


  1. 先安装fd, 按照 fd的安装方法 安装一下就行(一般来说就是一行命令就搞定), 不用额外配置
  2. 再安装fzf, 按照 fzf的安装方法 安装一下就行(一般来说就是一行命令就搞定), 不用额外配置
  3. 然后再按照下方的手动方式 或者 走Oh-My-Zsh方式的方式来安装 tab-to-find 就可以了



git clone https://github.com/no5ix/tab-to-find ~/somewhere

然后把下面这行加到你的 ~/.zshrc.

source ~/somewhere/tab-to-find.plugin.zsh



git clone https://github.com/no5ix/tab-to-find ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/tab-to-find
  1. 然后vim ~/.zshrc, 找到七八十行左右 plugins=(git) 的位置 比如原来是 plugins=(git) 则改为 plugins=(git tab-to-find)
  2. source ~/.zshrc 或者重启 zsh


  1. Install fd by following its installation instruction.
  2. Install fzf by following its installation instruction.
  3. then install tab-to-find by following Manual or Oh-My-Zsh below


clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/no5ix/tab-to-find ~/somewhere

Then add the following line to your ~/.zshrc.

source ~/somewhere/tab-to-find.plugin.zsh


Clone this repository to your custom directory and then add tab-to-find to your plugin list.

git clone https://github.com/no5ix/tab-to-find ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/tab-to-find