

本篇主要讲了数据包的分包和重组问题, 到底数据包多大才好呢?是不是越大越好呢?包太大了怎么办呢?
请看总结, 不明之处再看文中具体讲解.



实例 : 这儿有一个我会经常遇到的情况。人们在编写多人在线游戏的时候,数据包的平均大小都会非常的小,让我们假设下,这些数据包的平均大小大概只有几百字节,但时不时会在他们的游戏中同时发生大量的事情并且发出去的数据包会出现丢失的情况,这个时候数据包会比通常的情况下要大。突然之间,游戏的数据包的大小就会超过最大传输单元的大小,这样就只有很少一部分玩家能够收到这个数据包,然后整个通信就崩溃了。


  • 数据包packets
  • 分包fragments



[protocol id] (32 bits)   // not actually sent, but used to calc crc32
[crc32] (32 bits)  
[sequence] (16 bits)  // 数据包序号
[packet type = 0] (2 bits)
[fragment id] (8 bits) // 分包ID
[num fragments] (8 bits)
[pad zero bits to nearest byte index] // 用于字节对齐的bits
<fragment data>





因为发送出去以后也不记录发送的数据包, 随着分包数量的增加,整个数据包被丢弃的概率也随之增加, 而一个片段的丢失就会导致整个数据包都要被丢弃掉.所以我建议你要小心分包以后的数量。


数据包分包和重组系统的关键弱点是一个片段的丢失就会导致整个数据包都要被丢弃掉, 想要解决这个弱点得使用大块数据发送策略, 见下一篇文章 构建游戏网络协议四之发送大块数据.





const int MaxEntries = 256;

struct SequenceBuffer
bool exists[MaxEntries];
uint16_t sequence[MaxEntries];
Entry entries[MaxEntries];



原文标题 : Packet Fragmentation and Reassembly (How to send and receive packets larger than MTU)


Hi, I’m Glenn Fiedler and welcome to Building a Game Network Protocol.

In the previous article we discussed how to unify packet read and write into a single serialize function and added a bunch of safety features to packet read.

Now we are ready to start putting interesting things in our packets and sending them over the network, but immediately we run into an interesting question: how big should our packets be?

To answer this question properly we need a bit of background about how packets are actually sent over the Internet.


Perhaps the most important thing to understand about the internet is that there’s no direct connection between the source and destination IP address. What actually happens is that packets hop from one computer to another to reach their destination.

Each computer along this route enforces a maximum packet size called the maximum transmission unit, or MTU. According to the IP standard, if any computer recieves a packet larger than its MTU, it has the option of a) fragmenting that packet, or b) dropping the packet.

So here’s how this usually goes down. People write a multiplayer game where the average packet size is quite small, lets say a few hundred bytes, but every now and then when a lot of stuff is happening in their game and a burst of packet loss occurs, packets get a lot larger than usual, going above MTU for the route, and suddenly all packets start getting dropped!

Just last year (2015) I was talking with Alex Austin at Indiecade about networking in his game Sub Rosa. He had this strange networking bug he couldn’t reproduce. For some reason, players would randomly get disconnected from the game, but only when a bunch of stuff was going on. It was extremely rare and he was unable to reproduce it. Alex told me looking at the logs it seemed like packets just stopped getting through.

This sounded exactly like an MTU issue to me, and sure enough, when Alex limited his maximum packet size to a reasonable value the bug went away.

MTU in the real world

So what’s a reasonable maximum packet size?

On the Internet today (2016, IPv4) the real-world MTU is 1500 bytes.

Give or take a few bytes for UDP/IP packet header and you’ll find that the typical number before packets start to get dropped or fragmented is somewhere around 1472.

You can try this out for yourself by running this command on MacOS X:

ping -g 56 -G 1500 -h 10 -D

On my machine it conks out around just below 1500 bytes as expected:

1404 bytes from icmp_seq=134 ttl=56 time=11.945 ms
1414 bytes from icmp_seq=135 ttl=56 time=11.964 ms
1424 bytes from icmp_seq=136 ttl=56 time=13.492 ms
1434 bytes from icmp_seq=137 ttl=56 time=13.652 ms
1444 bytes from icmp_seq=138 ttl=56 time=133.241 ms
1454 bytes from icmp_seq=139 ttl=56 time=17.463 ms
1464 bytes from icmp_seq=140 ttl=56 time=12.307 ms
1474 bytes from icmp_seq=141 ttl=56 time=11.987 ms
ping: sendto: Message too long
ping: sendto: Message too long
Request timeout for icmp_seq 142

Why 1500? That’s the default MTU for MacOS X. It’s also the default MTU on Windows. So now we have an upper bound for your packet size assuming you actually care about packets getting through to Windows and Mac boxes without IP level fragmentation or a chance of being dropped: 1472 bytes.

So what’s the lower bound? Unfortunately for the routers in between your computer and the destination the IPv4 standard says 576. Does this mean we have to limit our packets to 400 bytes or less? In practice, not really.

MacOS X lets me set MTU values in range 1280 to 1500 so considering packet header overhead, my first guess for a conservative lower bound on the IPv4 Internet today would be 1200 bytes. Moving forward, in IPv6 this is also a good value, as any packet of 1280 bytes or less is guaranteed to get passed on without IP level fragmentation.

This lines up with numbers that I’ve seen throughout my career. In my experience games rarely try anything complicated like attempting to discover path MTU, they just assume a reasonably conservative MTU and roll with that, something like 1000 to 1200 bytes of payload data. If a packet larger than this needs to be sent, it’s split up into fragments by the game protocol and re-assembled on the other side.

And that’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do in this article.

Fragment Packet Structure

Let’s get started with implementation.

The first thing we need to decide is how we’re going to represent fragment packets over the network so they are distinct from non-fragmented packets.

Ideally, we would like fragmented and non-fragmented packets to be compatible with the existing packet structure we’ve already built, with as little overhead as possible in the common case when we are sending packets smaller than MTU.

Here’s the packet structure from the previous article:

[protocol id] (64 bits) // not actually sent, but used to calc crc32
[crc32] (32 bits)
[packet type] (2 bits for 3 distinct packet types)
(variable length packet data according to packet type)
[end of packet serialize check] (32 bits)

In our protocol we have three packet types: A, B and C.

Let’s make one of these packet types generate really large packets:

static const int MaxItems = 4096 * 4;

struct TestPacketB : public Packet
int numItems;
int items[MaxItems];

TestPacketB() : Packet( TEST_PACKET_B )
numItems = random_int( 0, MaxItems );
for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
items[i] = random_int( -100, +100 );

template <typename Stream> bool Serialize( Stream & stream )
serialize_int( stream, numItems, 0, MaxItems );
for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
serialize_int( stream, items[i], -100, +100 );
return true;

This may seem somewhat contrived but these situations really do occur. For example, if you have a strategy where you send all un-acked events from server to client and you hit a burst of packet loss, you can easily end up with packets larger than MTU, even though your average packet size is quite small.

Another common case is delta encoded snapshots in a first person shooter. Here packet size is proportional to the amount of state changed between the baseline and current snapshots for each client. If there are a lot of differences between the snapshots the delta packet is large and there’s nothing you can do about it except break it up into fragments and re-assemble them on the other side.

Getting back to packet structure. It’s fairly common to add a sequence number at the header of each packet. This is just a packet number that increases with each packet sent. I like to use 16 bits for sequence numbers even though they wrap around in about 15 minutes @ 60 packets-per-second, because it’s extremely unlikely that a packet will be delivered 15 minutes late.

Sequence numbers are useful for a bunch of things like acks, reliability and detecting and discarding out of order packets. In our case, we’re going to use the sequence number to identify which packet a fragment belongs to:

[protocol id] (64 bits)   // not actually sent, but used to calc crc32
[crc32] (32 bits)
[sequence] (16 bits)
[packet type] (2 bits)
(variable length packet data according to packet type)
[end of packet serialize check] (32 bits)

Here’s the interesting part. Sure we could just add a bit is_fragment to the header, but then in the common case of non-fragmented packets you’re wasting one bit that is always set to zero.

What I do instead is add a special fragment packet type:

enum TestPacketTypes

And it just happens to be free because four packet types fit into 2 bits. Now when a packet is read, if the packet type is zero we know it’s a fragment packet, otherwise we run through the ordinary, non-fragmented read packet codepath.

Lets design what this fragment packet looks like. We’ll allow a maximum of 256 fragments per-packet and have a fragment size of 1024 bytes. This gives a maximum packet size of 256k that we can send through this system, which should be enough for anybody, but please don’t quote me on this.

With a small fixed size header, UDP header and IP header a fragment packet be well under the conservative MTU value of 1200. Plus, with 256 max fragments per-packet we can represent a fragment id in the range [0,255] and the total number of fragments per-packet [1,256] with 8 bits.

[protocol id] (32 bits)   // not actually sent, but used to calc crc32
[crc32] (32 bits)
[sequence] (16 bits)
[packet type = 0] (2 bits)
[fragment id] (8 bits)
[num fragments] (8 bits)
[pad zero bits to nearest byte index]
<fragment data>

Notice that we pad bits up to the next byte before writing out the fragment data. Why do this? Two reasons: 1) it’s faster to copy fragment data into the packet via memcpy than bitpacking each byte, and 2) we can now save a small amount of bandwidth by inferring the fragment size by subtracting the start of the fragment data from the total size of the packet.

Sending Packet Fragments

Sending packet fragments is easy. For any packet larger than conservative MTU, simply calculate how many 1024 byte fragments it needs to be split into, and send those fragment packets over the network. Fire and forget!

One consequence of this is that if any fragment of that packet is lost then the entire packet is lost. It follows that if you have packet loss then sending a 256k packet as 256 fragments is not a very good idea, because the probability of dropping a packet increases significantly as the number of fragments increases. Not quite linearly, but in an interesting way that you can read more about here.

In short, to calculate the probability of losing a packet, you must calculate the probability of all fragments being delivered successfully and subtract that from one, giving you the probability that at least one fragment was dropped.

1 - probability_of_fragment_being_delivered ^ num_fragments

For example, if we send a non-fragmented packet over the network with 1% packet loss, there is naturally a 1100 chance the packet will be dropped.

As the number of fragments increase, packet loss is amplified:

  • Two fragments: 1 - (99100) ^ 2 = 2%

  • Ten fragments: 1 - (99100) ^ 10 = 9.5%

  • 100 fragments: 1 - (99100) ^ 100 = 63.4%

  • 256 fragments: 1 - (99100) ^ 256 = 92.4%

So I recommend you take it easy with the number of fragments. It’s best to use this strategy only for packets in the 2-4 fragment range, and only for time critical data that doesn’t matter too much if it gets dropped. It’s definitely not a good idea to fire down a bunch of reliable-ordered events in a huge packet and rely on packet fragmentation and reassembly to save your ass.

Another typical use case for large packets is when a client initially joins a game. Here you usually want to send a large block of data down reliably to that client, for example, representing the initial state of the world for late join. Whatever you do, don’t send that block of data down using the fragmentation and re-assembly technique in this article.

Instead, check out the technique in next article which handles packet loss by resending fragments until they are all received.

Receiving Packet Fragments

It’s time to implement the code that receives and processed packet fragments. This is a bit tricky because we have to be particularly careful of somebody trying to attack us with malicious packets.

Here’s a list of all the ways I can think of to attack the protocol:

  • Try to send out of bound fragments ids trying to get you to crash memory. eg: send fragments [0,255] in a packet that has just two fragments.

  • Send packet n with some maximum fragment count of say 2, and then send more fragment packets belonging to the same packet n but with maximum fragments of 256 hoping that you didn’t realize I widened the maximum number of fragments in the packet after the first one you received, and you trash memory.

  • Send really large fragment packets with fragment data larger than 1k hoping to get you to trash memory as you try to copy that fragment data into the data structure, or blow memory budget trying to allocate fragments

  • Continually send fragments of maximum size (256256 fragments) in hope that it I could make you allocate a bunch of memory and crash you out. Lets say you have a sliding window of 256 packets, 256 fragments per-packet max, and each fragment is 1k. That’s 64 mb per-client.

  • Can I fragment the heap with a bunch of funny sized fragment packets sent over and over? Perhaps the server shares a common allocator across clients and I can make allocations fail for other clients in the game because the heap becomes fragmented.

Aside from these concerns, implementation is reasonably straightforward: store received fragments somewhere and when all fragments arrive for a packet, reassemble them into the original packet and return that to the user.

Data Structure on Receiver Side

The first thing we need is some way to store fragments before they are reassembled. My favorite data structure is something I call a sequence buffer:

const int MaxEntries = 256;

struct SequenceBuffer
uint32_t sequence[MaxEntries];
Entry entries[MaxEntries];

Indexing into the arrays is performed with modulo arithmetic, giving us a fast O(1) lookup of entries by sequence number:

const int index = sequence % MaxEntries;

A sentinel value of 0xFFFFFFFF is used to represent empty entries. This value cannot possibly occur with 16 bit sequence numbers, thus providing us with a fast test to see if an entry exists for a given sequence number, without an additional branch to test if that entry exists.

This data structure is used as follows. When the first fragment of a new packet comes in, the sequence number is mapped to an entry in the sequence buffer. If an entry doesn’t exist, it’s added and the fragment data is stored in there, along with information about the fragment, eg. how many fragments there are, how many fragments have been received so far, and so on.

Each time a new fragment arrives, it looks up the entry by the packet sequence number. When an entry already exists, the fragment data is stored and number of fragments received is incremented. Eventually, once the number of fragments received matches the number of fragments in the packet, the packet is reassembled and delivered to the user.

Since it’s possible for old entries to stick around (potentially with allocated blocks), great care must be taken to clean up any stale entries when inserting new entries in the sequence buffer. These stale entries correspond to packets that didn’t receive all fragments.

And that’s basically it at a high level. For further details on this approach please refer to the example source code for this article.

Click here to get the example source code for this article series.

Test Driven Development

One thing I’d like to close this article out on.

Writing a custom UDP network protocol is hard. It’s so hard that even though I’ve done this from scratch at least 10 times, each time I still manage to fuck it up in a new and exciting ways. You’d think eventually I’d learn, but this stuff is complicated. You can’t just write low-level netcode and expect it to just work.

You have to test it!

My strategy when testing low-level netcode is as follows:

  • Code defensively. Assert everywhere. These asserts will fire and they’ll be important clues you need when something goes wrong.

  • Add functional tests and make sure stuff is working as you are writing it. Put your code through its paces at a basic level as you write it and make sure it’s working as you build it up. Think hard about the essential cases that need to be property handled and add tests that cover them.

  • But just adding a bunch of functional tests is not enough. There are of course cases you didn’t think of! Now you have to get really mean. I call this soak testing and I’ve never, not even once, have coded a network protocol that hasn’t subsequently had problems found in it by soak testing.

  • When soak testing just loop forever and just do a mix of random stuff that puts your system through its paces, eg. random length packets in this case with a huge amount of packet loss, out of order and duplicates through a packet simulator. Your soak test passes when it runs overnight and doesn’t hang or assert.

  • If you find anything wrong with soak testing. You may need to go back and add detailed logs to the soak test to work out how you got to the failure case. Once you know what’s going on, stop. Don’t fix it immediately and just run the soak test again.

  • Instead, add a unit test that reproduces that problem you are trying to fix, verify your test reproduces the problem, and that it problem goes away with your fix. Only after this, go back to the soak test and make sure they run overnight. This way the unit tests document the correct behavior of your system and can quickly be run in future to make sure you don’t break this thing moving forward when you make other changes.

  • Add a bunch of logs. High level errors, info asserts showing an overview of what is going on, but also low-level warnings and debug logs that show what went wrong after the fact. You’re going to need these logs to diagnose issues that don’t occur on your machine. Make sure the log level can be adjusted dynamically.

  • Implement network simulators and make sure code handles the worst possible network conditions imaginable. 99% packet loss, 10 seconds of latency and +/- several seconds of jitter. Again, you’ll be surprised how much this uncovers. Testing is the time where you want to uncover and fix issues with bad network conditions, not the night before your open beta.

  • Implement fuzz tests where appropriate to make sure your protocol doesn’t crash when processing random packets. Leave fuzz tests running overnight to feel confident that your code is reasonably secure against malicious packets and doesn’t crash.

  • Surprisingly, I’ve consistently found issues that only show up when I loop the set of unit tests over and over, perhaps these issues are caused by different random numbers in tests, especially with the network simulator being driven by random numbers. This is a great way to take a rare test that fails once every few days and make it fail every time. So before you congratulate yourself on your tests passing 100%, add a mode where your unit tests can be looped easily, to uncover such errors.

  • Test simultaneously on multiple platforms. I’ve never written a low-level library that worked first time on MacOS, Windows and Linux. There are always interesting compiler specific issues and crashes. Test on multiple platforms as you develop, otherwise it’s pretty painful fixing all these at the end.

  • This about how people can attack the protocol. Implement code to defend against these attacks. Add functional tests that mimic these attacks and make sure that your code handles them correctly.

This is my process and it seems to work pretty well. If you are writing a low-level network protocol, the rest of your game depends on this code working correctly. You need to be absolutely sure it works before you build on it, otherwise it’s basically a stack of cards.

In my experience, game neworking is hard enough without having suspicions that that your low-level network protocol has bugs that only show up under extreme network conditions. That’s exactly where you need to be able to trust your code works correctly. So test it!



译者:崔嘉艺(milan21) 审校:崔国军(星际迷航)










Sub Rosa中的网络部分。他遇到了一些奇怪的无法重现的网络bug。出于某种原因,一些客户端(在所有玩家里面总是有那么一个或者两个)会随机的从游戏中断开连接并且其他人都能够正常游戏。查看日志的话,亚历克斯又觉得一切都是正常的,只是看上去好像数据包突然停止进行传递了。





你可以自己在MacOS X尝试运行下下面这个命令:

ping-g 56 -G 1500 -h 10 -D


1404bytes from icmp_seq=134 ttl=56 time=11.945 ms

1414bytes from icmp_seq=135 ttl=56 time=11.964 ms

1424bytes from icmp_seq=136 ttl=56 time=13.492 ms

1434bytes from icmp_seq=137 ttl=56 time=13.652 ms

1444bytes from icmp_seq=138 ttl=56 time=133.241 ms

1454bytes from icmp_seq=139 ttl=56 time=17.463 ms

1464bytes from icmp_seq=140 ttl=56 time=12.307 ms

1474bytes from icmp_seq=141 ttl=56 time=11.987 ms

ping:sendto: Message too long

ping:sendto: Message too long

Requesttimeout for icmp_seq 142

为什么是1500字节?这是MacOS X上默认的最大传输单元的大小。这也是Windows平台上默认的最大传输单元的大小。所以现在我们对数据包的大小有了一个上限(也就是不能超过这个默认的最大传输单元的大小),假如你真的关心数据包通过Windows平台或者Mac平台进行传播而不希望数据包在IP层进行分包或者有被丢弃的可能的话,那么就要保证数据包的大小不能超过这个上限:1472个字节。

那么这个最大传输单元的大小的下限是多少呢?MacOS X允许设置的最大传输单元的大小的值是在12801500,所以我对现在互联网上通过IPv4进行传播的数据包的最大传输单元的大小的下限有一个比较保守的估计,就是1200字节。如果是在通过IPv4进行传播的情况下这个比较保守的大传输单元的大小的下限也会是一个很好的估计值,任意数据包只要大小小于1280字节都能保证在没有IP层分包的情况下顺利的传播。






[protocol id] (64 bits) // not actually sent, but used to calc crc32
[crc32] (32 bits)
[packet type] (2 bits for 3 distinct packet types)
(variable length packet data according to packet type)
[end of packet serialize check] (32 bits)



static const int MaxItems = 4096 * 4;
struct TestPacketB : public protocol2::Packet
int numItems;
int items[MaxItems];
TestPacketB() : Packet( TEST_PACKET_B )
numItems = random_int( 0, MaxItems );
for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
items[i] = random_int( -100, +100 );
template <typename stream> bool Serialize( Stream & stream )
serialize_int( stream, numItems, 0, MaxItems );
for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
serialize_int( stream, items[i], -100, +100 );
return true;







[protocol id] (64 bits)   // not actually sent, but used to calc crc32
[crc32] (32 bits)
[sequence] (16 bits)
[packet type] (2 bits)
(variable length packet data according to packet type)
[end of packet serialize check] (32 bits)

这是最有趣的部分。我们可以在数据包的头部只添加一个比特的标识 is_fragment,但是对于通常情况下根本不需要分包的数据包来说,你就浪费了一个比特,因为它总是要被置为0。这不是很好。


enum TestPacketTypes




[protocol id] (32 bits)   // not actually sent, but used to calc crc32
[crc32] (32 bits)
[sequence] (16 bits)
[packet type = 0] (2 bits)
[fragment id] (8 bits)
[num fragments] (8 bits)
[pad zero bits to nearest byte index]
<fragment data>

请注意,我们把这几个比特对齐到了下一个字节,然后才把对齐以后的数据写入到数据包里面。我们为什么要这么做?这么做其实是有两个原因的: 1) 这么处理以后可以通过memcpy函数更快的把分包的数据拷贝到数据包里面而不需要使用位打包器来对每个字节进行处理。2) 我们通过不发送分包数据的大小节省了一小部分带宽。我们可以通过从数据包的整体大小减去分包数据起始位置的字节序号来推断出这个分包的大小。








1- ( probability of fragment being delivered ) ^ num_fragments


让我们举个简单的例子对上面这个公式进行说明,如果我们发送的一个不需要分包的数据包,如果它在网络上传说的时候丢失的概率是1%,那么只有百分之一的概率会出现这个数据包被丢弃的情况,或者我们不要嫌麻烦,把这些数据代入到上面这个公式里面: 1 – (99/100) ^ 1 = 1/100 = 1%


  • 两个分包的情况: 1 – (99/100) ^ 2 = 2%
  • 十个分包的情况: 1 – (99/100) ^ 10 = 9.5%
  • 一百个分包的情况: 1 – (99/100) ^ 100 = 63.4%
  • 二百五十六个分包的情况: 1 – (99/100) ^ 256 = 92.4%






[protocol id] (32 bits)   // not actually sent, but used to calc crc32
[crc32] (32 bits)
[sequence] (16 bits)
[packet type = 0] (2 bits)
[fragment id] (8 bits)
[num fragments] (8 bits)
[pad zero bits to nearest byte index]
<fragment data>


  • 尝试发送分包ID在一个限制范围内的分包,看看能不能让你的程序崩溃。举个例子来说,也许这个数据包只有两个分包,但是我会发送多个分包ID在【0,255】之内的分包。
  • 发送一个数据包,让我们假设这个书包的最大分包数量是2,然后发送多个属于这个数据包的分包,但是在分包的数据包报头里面把最大分包的数量改为256,来希望你在接收完第一个分包以后,不会发现分包的最大数量信息被改变了,这样就有可能造成你的内存崩溃。
  • 发送非常大的分包,让分包里面的数据超过1k,测试下你在试图把分包数据拷贝到数据结构的时候是否有良好的判断,如果没有良好的判断的话,这也许会让你的内存崩溃,或者占用大量的内容让你在分配新的分包的时候没有空间。
  • 持续的给你的程序发送最大分包数目的分包(也就是如果最大分包数目是256的话,就持续不断的发送分包ID256的数据包),希望你会分配大量的内容来容纳这些分包然后让你的内存崩溃。让我们假设你的程序中有一个滑动窗口,这个滑动窗口有256个数据包,每个数据包最多可以有256个分包,每个分包预留的空间是1k。那么也就是会给每个客户端预留67,108,864字节或者64mb的空间。我可以通过这种方法让服务器崩溃么?我能用一堆大小有趣的分包来耗尽的你地址空间的heap空间么?因为服务器的程序是你来设计实现的,所以只有你才知道这个问题的确切答案。它取决于你的内存预算以及如何分配内存来存储分包。如果你考虑过了觉得这会是一个问题,那么就限制下缓冲区中分包的数目或考虑减少每个数据包的分包的最大数目。考虑给每个分包静态分配数据结果或者使用一个内存池来减少内存碎片。



const int MaxEntries = 256;
struct SequenceBuffer
bool exists[MaxEntries];
uint16_t sequence[MaxEntries];
Entry entries[MaxEntries];


那么我们该如何使用这个数据结构?当你接收到一个分包以后的数据包以后,这个数据包会携带一个序号指定它是属于哪个数据包的分包。这个序号会随着发送而不停的增大(所有序号全部用完导致发生环绕除外), 所以最关键的技巧是你要对序号进行散列让散列后的序号进入一个数组中某个给定的位置,具体处理过程如下所示:

int index = sequence % MaxEntries;


所以当一个新的数据包的第一个分包到达的时候,你需要把数据包的序号散列成一个索引,如果发现这个索引对应的内容还不存在的话,你需要设置exists[index] = 1,并设置sequence[index]来匹配你正在处理的数据包,并把这个分包储存在序号缓冲区对应的条目里面。这样当下一次有分包实际到达的时候,你会得到相同的序号,然后得到一个相当的索引,在查找的时候会发现对应这个索引的内容已经存在了,并且这个条目的序号正好能和刚刚接收到的数据包的序号匹配,所以你就可以把这个分包累加到这个条目上,这个过程会一直重复直到这个数据包的所有分包都被接收到为止。








3、虽然函数测试非常有必要,但是只是添加一些函数测试是远远不够的。无论如何都有遇到你没有预料到的情况! 现在你必须把它们放到一个真实的环境下看看到底会发生什么。我把这个称之为浸泡测试,并且在我之前编写网络协议的过程中还从来没有过在浸泡测试的过程中没有发现问题的情况。浸泡测试只是在不停的循环,并会随机的做一些事情让你的系统在它的空间中处理一些情况,让我们举些简单的例子对它进行一些简单的说明,比如说构造出随机长度的数据包,而且这些数据包有一个非常高的丢失率,通过数据包模拟器发出的大量乱序并且重复的数据包等等。如果你的程序能够在一晚上的时间里面不挂起或者遇到断言,那么就算你的程序通过了浸泡测试。




下一篇文章是: 《发送大块的数据》


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